Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Golden Week Holidays

Golden Week is a nice holiday in Japan. The weather is generally pretty good and although it's not really a week, most people get at least three days off. But this taxidriver isn't getting any day off. In fact, he hasn't taken a day off in the last 365 days. His days aren't short either. He works 12 hours a day and then just goes back home to eat and sleep. He sometimes wonders why he was born at all. Was this what he was supposed to do. With all that work, you might imagine that he's pulling in a large salary. The opposite seems to be true. Because he's not getting enough customers, he has to work longer hours. Work has its enjoyable moments, but it has its horrible moments, too. So, if you're not getting quite the holiday that you wanted during Golden Week or are finding this heavy rain a little too much for your picnic, enjoy what you have - it's so much more than that taxi driver.

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